Reports on Mathematical Logic

No. 45 (2010)

Norihiro Kamide, Automating and computing paraconsistent reasoning: contraction-free, resolution and type systems; (full text - pdf), pp. 3-21.

Szymon Frankowski, On the Lattice of p-consequences; (full text - pdf), pp. 23-35.

Juan Climent Vidal and Juan Soliveres Tur, A 2-categorical framework for the syntax and semantics of many-sorted equational logic; (full text - pdf), pp. 37-95.

Gemma Robles, Minimal non-relevant logics without the K axiom II. Negation introduced via the unary connective; (full text - pdf), pp. 97-118.

Alexandre A. M. Rodrigues, Ricardo C. Miranda Filho and Edelcio G. de Souza, Definability in infinitary languages and invariance by automorphims; (full text - pdf), pp. 119-133.

S. Crvenkovic, M. Mitrovic and D. A. Romano, Complementary pair of quasi-antiorders; (full text - pdf), pp. 135-142.

Ai-ni Hsieh, Some locally tabular logics with contraction and mingle; (full text - pdf), pp. 143-159.

Franchesco Paoli and Tomasz Kowalski, On some properties of quasi MV algebras and square root quasi MV algebras. Part III.; (full text - pdf), pp. 161-199.

Jose L. Castiglioni, Marta Sagastume and Hernan J. San Martin, On frontal Heyting algebras; (full text - pdf), pp. 201-224.

Jose L. Castiglioni and Hernan J. San Martin, On the variety of Heyting algebras with successor generated by all finite chains; (full text - pdf), pp. 225-248.

Polemics; (full text - pdf), pp. 249-259.

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